
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dave Ramsey Money Envelopes Collage Style

Do you follow the The Total Money Makeoverby Dave Ramsey? We have for over three years and one of things I love to hate about it is the all cash system. It's THE BEST way to save money. Seriously. The Best! But keeping all those categories straight in those crappy envelopes drove me nuts. So last year I started altering Dave's envelope refills to better meet my needs. I get so many compliments on them whenever I'm paying for things that I thought I'd make a couple extra this time in case any of you would like a set.

Each one starts with a thick piece of cardboard that I cover in a piece of hand painted paper.

Then I trim it to size and Mod Podge it onto both sides of the cardboard. Then it sits out to dry overnight.

Then I goof off and play around with the cover until it's just right, in this case I used a print of one of my collages and added a quote.

"Dreams are necessary to life" seemed appropriate for a budget system.

 Inside of the front cover:

There are SIX category envelopes for things like groceries, eating  out, gas etc. and then a sturdy zipper pouch which I treat as a seventh category but friends use for coins and coupons.

And behind that is four pages for writing in your purchases. I always rip them out and use the plastic pouch as my back cover. It's nice and sturdy.

Hope you all liked this project. 

I have several more to share over the next few days. 


Thanks so much, your comments make my day!