
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Importance of "Before" Pictures and Projects

This is my "Before" pictures for expressive figure drawing. It is also my first project of this type.

I know I'm absolute rubbish at it but my 30 year plan to be able to draw expressive figures by the time I'm 65 has officially started.

The original plan was to wait until closer to 50 - TO TRY - because then maturity would somehow translate to talent. LOL. I don't know why I think the things I do sometimes.

There is so much wrong with this but you have to start somewhere, so here's what I like:

*The weight of her breasts
* The curve of her hips
*The placement of her right arm (implied)
*The proportion of her waist/hip/pubic area - it feels like everything is more or less in the right place, anatomy-wise
*The slope of her shoulders

It's important to look at your work, no matter how rough and novice, and see the likable bits.

And I look forward to the day when I can pull this out, compare it to that days work and say, "Wow! Look how far I've come!"

As adults, I think it's really hard to do new things that we know we aren't going to be very good at for quite some time. It's easier to stay in our safe, accomplished comfort-zone where we know how everything works.

But where is the fun in that?


  1. Oh Nicole - I agree so much. Since I stopped being scared and stopped comparing to other people I've started having so much fun with MY stuff.

    Love the direction you are starting on. I love that little dip in her waist and I love her boobies - they are proper boobies not ones that point to the sky :D

  2. "As adults, I think it's really hard to do new things that we know we aren't going to be very good at for quite some time. It's easier to stay in our safe, accomplished comfort-zone where we know how everything works."

    That is so true for me. I sometimes think, "Well, I'm just too old and it will take too long to get good so screw it." LOL Coming from someone who can't draw worth beans, I think you did a great job here, can't wait to see her in 30 years! :D

  3. This is such a great post, and I think I had already commented at the time I first read it! But my smart phone is not the smartest with Blogger so lots of my comments disappear. Anyway, I love both the drawing and the colours you used, but especially the wisdom in your post! It's so important to just start doing and appreciate what is already good in one's work.


Thanks so much, your comments make my day!