
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Stained Glass: In Progress

Moving generates a whole lot of cardboard so I decided to reframe that thought as moving supplies a whole lot of substrates for art

We'll call this my 'recycling period' so it sounds artsy, K?

My husband has a open 'window' above his office door that sounds just moseys through like you would not believe. And his video chat meetings do not need to hear our history lessons... or worse. 

So I'm making him a 'stained glass' cardboard window filler. I'll post proper pictures when it's done. 


  1. Great idea Nicole. Not seen any artwork from you for a while. Look forward to the results and send you happy wishes. Xx

  2. Really cool. A pretty way to recycle. :)

  3. Aren't you amazing ... love this. Hope you get settled in soon.

  4. Ooh, now this sounds interesting!


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