
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Great Dancers: Mixed Media

Great Dancers

I made this 12x12 mixed-media canvas this past week. 


It is a fun mix of practically all the supplies I own plus lots of paper bits.


Ballet slippers are so graceful, I adore how they turned out. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Happy 200th Challenge, Stampotique!

This post is to celebrate Stampotique's 200th Challenge over on their blog! 

200! That's a big number!

Back in the day I used to participate in all sorts of challenges but as the years passed I've become more content to do my own thing. 

That said, SDC is the one challenge that often reels me back in  - the talent combined with their overall sense of fun (and love of color) always thrills me.

Here it is:
SDC200: Celebrating our 200th Challenge
Kim Howard is the hostess this week and we are celebrating:
Today is our 200th challenge and we'd like you to join us this week by celebrating.  Create with celebration, anniversary or best wishes in mind.  
stampotique SDC200

So Happy Anniversary Stampotique!
You guys are AMAZING!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Stampotique and ICAD

The theme for the SDC 199 at the Stampotique Designers blog is Shimmer and Shine and it was chosen by my friend Kathi.
My spirit animal must be a magpie as I'm attracted to all things that shine, shimmer or glitter.  My challenge for you is to create a project that literally shines!

Since I'm also in the midst of ICAD I decided to make an index card and kill two birds with one stone.


This Jammin' stamp is one of my all time favorites! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's ICAD Time Again!

Daisy Yellow is hosting Index Card A Day 2015 and I am excitedly playing along.
It runs June 1 to July 31, 2015 and you can jump in at any time.

What I love about it is that it isn't a show-off-y art contest. It's just oodles of people of all ages taking a few minutes each day to do something creative. 

It's pretty amazing.

Here's a link to the Facebook Group.

And these are a few of the ones I've made so far: