
Monday, November 30, 2015

Shine! Cyber Monday Sale

Happy Cyber Monday, everyone. I hope the long weekend was filled with joy, abundance and some relaxation.

I have a Cyber Monday sale going on at my Etsy shop.

You can get 20% off your entire purchase with the code:


Monday, November 23, 2015

Mixed Media Circle Weaving

Maybe it's the cold weather but my crafting has taken a turn for the soft and touchable... weird :-)

This was woven on a paper plate.

The leaves are hand-painted canvas sewn on to warm and natural batting.

Little bits of book paper was attached with mod podge.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nature inspired Circle Weaving

All the wildly creative weaving projects I'm seeing online are making me drool all over the keyboard.

So I decided to give it a try. This is project #2 (the first one I'll share soon, it's just these photos turned out, the others were dark).

I was aiming for eye-of-God reimagined as a bird's nest or flower... my mind... this is how it works. LOL

The leaves are hand-painted on canvas and attached to branches.

And the big leaves are also hand-painted canvas backed with batting. The copper wire and beads are a nod to the shiny bits and pieces you sometimes find in nests.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


The Capture the Moment blog has the cutest fabric strip tree card for this week's Make it Monday Challenge. I couldn't resist making one.

Of course my colors are a little non-traditional... no surprises there :-)

Click to see it all big and pretty.