
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Season's Givings Blog Hop 2016

As the clock strikes midnight and 2016 dawns bright and full of possibility I want to start this most auspicious year with heartfelt thanks. 

You have all been the greatest cheerleaders, friends, problem solvers and idea generators an artist could ever ask for and I'm grateful for how you've all supported my Etsy, this blog and all the weird tangents I tend to wander off and explore. 

Thank you. Today and always. 

A giveaway is in order!

This Season's Giving Blog Hop is a way for us to say thank you to you, kind readers, and every single blog on the hop is hosting a giveaway! HOORAY!!!

And can I shout out to the tireless and talented organizer, Latisha Yoast, she's the reason this happens each year. 

I decided to make shipping easy on both of us and offer an gift card to Joann. 

The winner will be announced on Monday January 11th. 

To enter all you need to do is answer one of these questions:

1. What's your favorite special beverage? 
2. One Little Word; what's yours for 2016?
3. Marry/Kiss/Kill: Channing Tatum, Chris Pratt and Liam Neeson
4. Best way to cook a potato?
5. What's your favorite quote?

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite projects from 2015:

Here's the list for the hop. 

Have fun and happy New Year!