Do you like the new blog header? I realized the old one had been up for about a year and a half... oops.
Thanks for all the kind words yesterday. I got to thinking and seeing the same old me in the mirror could be a lot worse.
My foot is less swollen today though still discolored - I'm getting there :-)
Here's another one of the sketches I'm trying to clear off the table.
Isn't it a fun design? I can see using it again and again.

While I have you here, can I get some advice?
I was cleaning up my sewing space and couldn't bear to throw out my itty-bitty scraps. So instead I found some fusible webbing (?) that I bought for some project years ago and ironed them all together into one gorgeous piece.
Then I covered the whole she-bang with matte medium and added bits of Gauche Alchemy ephemera. I saw this technique in the most recent CPS and thought - why not?

What should I do with it now?
Thanks for all the kind words yesterday. I got to thinking and seeing the same old me in the mirror could be a lot worse.
My foot is less swollen today though still discolored - I'm getting there :-)
Here's another one of the sketches I'm trying to clear off the table.
Isn't it a fun design? I can see using it again and again.

While I have you here, can I get some advice?
I was cleaning up my sewing space and couldn't bear to throw out my itty-bitty scraps. So instead I found some fusible webbing (?) that I bought for some project years ago and ironed them all together into one gorgeous piece.
Then I covered the whole she-bang with matte medium and added bits of Gauche Alchemy ephemera. I saw this technique in the most recent CPS and thought - why not?
What should I do with it now?
You could frame it! It is so pretty! Your scrapbook page is great as well as your new header.
Love it! I like the idea of framing it. It would also be cool to use for one of your lay outs.
And the header rocks!
I was wondering if it is large enough to cover a scrapbook or photo album with (like a book cover)? Could you mod-podge it onto something unexpected, like a cheap plastic trashcan for your bedroom or bath? Use it to cover a cork board? (just noticed that all of my ideas involve covering up something pedestrian and turning it into something lovely!)
Love love love your new haircut!! super cute.
I like your scrap collage. You could frame it. Or add a big photo in the middle of it so its like the matte to the photo.
or put it as the bottom of a serving tray (im not sure how big it is) maybe you could even make two out of it.
My you've been a busy bee today!
I love the new header, though I wasn't tired of the previous one.
Love the way you tilted the Sketchy Thursday layout and your layout itself. You've really illustrated how versatile such a layout sketch can be.
The fabric scrap collage is super. I'm like Tara and like to find practical or daily uses for my art, so I think her suggestions are great.
What a fun post :-D
I Love your page...such a great idea for a scrapbooking page...and your mix of DP's is just fab!!!!
Loving what you did with all the scaps of fabric...just inspirational!! you are just so creative...I really admire your work! Hugs Juls
Yes frame it! Likenthe new header, however the old was nice as well.
Just gorgeous!!!!!
I would die cut it with flower shapes :)
Love it!!
Have fun!
Totally fun layout! Love it!
*sigh* We miss you so much over at Gauche Alchemy, Nicole. You know you can come back anytime you want, right? ;) You are doing some amazing work lately.
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