Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Fun: Picture Post

With this spring and summer being a long string of illness and injury, I'm happy to report that we have been having some fun. Plain, simple, honest, uncomplicated fun. Hiking, swimming, eating too much ice cream... the good stuff :-)

As you can see, we've been finding and jumping into every puddle of water Utah has to offer.  Which is mainly reservoirs and waterparks.. weird.  My NW soul is perplexed.

I've been doing crafts too and promise to post pics and tutorials as soon as I arrange them in a sensible fashion.


Helena Davey said...

Glad to see a new post from you! Those views are amazing :( Hey, your info says you are a "former blonde". The picture of you begs to differ! :) Love the hair.

Tiff said...

Glad to hear that you guys are enjoying your summer! Everyone looks happy and healthy, even your smiling face (despite your recent set backs)! You look great Nicole! I'll say hello to the NW for you :)

grrlpup said...

B especially looks older than I realized! Your photos are starting to look all "passel of man-guys" instead of "C and some kiddies." You must be so proud! :D

Kim's Treasures said...

Looks like fun!!! Yay for having fun and not being injured!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

You have had a hard summer so I am glad that you have gotten to have some fun.