Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Room Decor

As we're getting closer to finishing our master bedroom redo, I've begun to collect small decor items for special touches. Last weekend I saw these at the local thrift store and thought they were a steal at three bucks each. Within minutes of getting them home, I cleaned the frames with a soft cloth (cut up old pieces of t-shirts are my have) and sprayed on primer and then a nice glossy white top coat.

Coming up with what to put in them was trickier. Wedding photos etc. felt too standard and I thought they might get lost on the wall. I wanted something that was very us and that we'd enjoy looking at. So I looked through my Pinterest boards and found two pictures that I really love.

This one is a photo from Swagbucks... I'm not sure how to credit it further.

And this one is the work of Brandon Maldonado.

They're just perfect, I was hoping to pull in the grey and green and they work without being to match-matchy. 


kim c said...

that matador is just too cool. i'm a lover of anything skully-related. have a great day.

Unknown said...

Your stuff is ALWAYS fresh and exciting. :)

Patti P. said...

You are so COOL!!! They remind me of the Day of the Dead decor that we see around San Antonio! Love them!!

Michelle S said...
