Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent for Older Kids

I wanted to do something different with the boys for Advent this year. We usually fill a pocket calendar with little scrolls of activities to do each night. But that gets very tiring and expensive. It was great when I could put in a mini candy cane and they'd be thrilled but at 15, 14 and 13.7 their idea of special fun is a little more complex - paintball anyone?

The desire to use what we have instead of always buying 
more, more, MORE 
has been on my heart more than ever so I came up with this idea.

For advent this year, I've wrapped up the boys 24 most favorite games - this includes several wrapped decks of cards for whist, poker, speed, etc.

Each day of December one boy will pick a game and we'll all play it. This way we're spending time together which is much better then spending money and chasing entertainment.

Speaking of, this is a great video on the topic of giving of yourself and your time instead of just spending more and more $$$

Advent Conspiracy from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.

We're all a lot more excited about this year's advent then we've been in many years and as a bonus, the wrapped games are a nice festive decoration too. 

A similar idea for families with younger kids is to wrap up all their favorite story books and to read one each night.


Cooking for My Kids said...

I love this idea. It is all about the family togetherness, which always creates the best memories.

grrlpup said...

That's a great idea! I would have loved this-- still would, in fact. :)

donna!ee said...

excellent choice of gifts that give time spent together that will enhance the bonds that encourage & empower all of the family...blest be, Proverbs 31:28 :)

Unknown said...

Neat idea...out of da box for sure!!! Hope this idea gets around the blog cuz I think a lot of people would love it.

I gave up on advent calendars back when my kids became teenagers. We would forget to open the boxes for just lost it's charm once they got older. This is a great idea. Might have tried it back when...

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Really special idea that they will always remember!

wendy smedley said...

Super idea!! May have to copy, thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

I'm snagging this for next year. I've already scheduled some events for this year. But come 2012...I'm all about staying in :)

KatBouska said...

Sooo...I decided to do this, but didn't actually read your entire post and how you wrap their favorite games to SAVE money. Hope you don't mind I shared your post along with my advent calendar FAIL:

Anonymous said...

I so wish my guys like games. This is such a fun idea!

Belinda said...

Great idea!

Katie @ Creatively Living said...

Great idea! Games are great family gifts!!!

Creatively Living Outside the Box

Crafty Mischief said...

I love this idea! I found you through TT&J. Thanks for sharing!

Heidi @ Decor & More said...

Wonderful idea, Nicole! It's so hard to keep the magic of Advent going with teens these days (I have 3 as well). Thanks for sharing this reminder of what's most important during the holidays.
Visiting from TTJ ~ Merry Christmas!

Kim@todayismysome-day said...

What a great idea! We need ideas like this as our kids are getting older. It's so hard to keep up the fun!


Louisa said...

That's a great idea!

Kierstyn said...

What a clever idea! I can't wait to do this next year.

Ruth said...

This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. It's a little harder to do something like that here because our daughter is in college and has a crazy schedule.

Rockin' Redesigns said...

I am head over heels in love with this idea!! This is the first year I've ever attempted an advent calendar and my boys are 11,8,5. I needed lots of filler and board games is the much needed answer and oh what fun we will have.