Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Paint Your Story: Practice Heads

So... yeah... I have pretty much no talent for this. 

My faces are both not weird enough for the assignments and are too weird for my usual art. It doesn't matter if I make square or triangle head shapes - they all end up egg-shaped and humanoid. *sigh*

And I'm struggling with the supplies. As a person who prizes knowledge of water-solubility as her best art skill, I boggle at how a water-soluble caran d'ache pastel in turquoise is not going to turn my white paint turquoise when they meet (spoiler alert: it does!)

They kind of remind me of actors playing support group attendees in a movie like Fight Club. Sad, sickly and a little cracked-out. Or maybe just severely insomniac or hung over. And puffy.

I thought I'd share them though as:

 1. They're what I've been working on.


2. It's good to see that we all struggle. Not just shiny, happy, successful posts.

Just for reference, here's what I'm supposed to be making:

These are all by artist and art instructor Mindy Lacefield. You can see her work HERE

Next goal: to paint some people on top of a funky background. Wish me luck :-)


Sudha said...

Pretty cute faces.


Anonymous said...

Oh I need to do this to step out of my box...these faces are uniquely yours and I think they are cool.

Carmen said...

I really love them. So quirky. You don't want them exactly the same as your teacher - trouble is, we can't see what's in your head so can't see how they're wrong :D They look fab to me!

Gloria said...

I love these little quirky faces. You are doing great. Maybe not your visions but they are really good.

Gez Butterworth said...

I love your versions they are yours so they are special, looking forward to seeing more.. I find it hard to look at mine that I don't feel happy with but my daughter tells me if I don't keep them I won't see how far I've come in say a year from now.. good luck & have fun.xxx

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