Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pick Your Flavor Zucchini Jam

Our absolutely favorite thing this year is Zucchini Jam. If anyone has ever gifted you with Christmas Jam or Strawberry Surprise Jam you might have already tried it and not even known.

See, it's made with zucchini and crushed pineapple. Then you add whatever flavor of Jello you like to stand in for the fruit. It's spectacular and such a chameleon. It tastes like the real thing... or better!

Here's how I make it. Most recipes I see on line use a ton more sugar (at least six cups) and much less lemon juice (as little as 2TBL) so I think the sweetness and tartness is a matter of taste. This jam is plenty sweet enough, IMHO. Also I've seen cook times vary all the way from three hours to ten minutes. This set of times has worked great for us. Please bear in mind that we live at 6050ft above sea level and I have no idea how that effects jam. I just know that this works. Awesomely!

Pick Your Flavor Zucchini Jam


6 cups of grated Zucchini/Courgette (peel it if you don't like the skin to show. I love the skin bits, so pretty)
1/2 cup water
4 cups sugar
3/4 cup lemon juice
1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple in juice
1 (6 ounce) box raspberry Jell-O (you can use any flavor, strawberry is AMAZING!)
1 (2 ounce) box surejell fruit pectin  or equivalent - I currently use 6 TBL of a powdered pectin.


1. Place nine clean glass  half-pint jars ( or 5 pint jars... or whatever you have on hand) with hot/boiling water in them on a cookie sheet in the oven at 200 degrees. Put the matching lids and rings in a pan with hot water on the stove at a simmer. Do this first as the cooking times really fly by and you want them to get good and hot!

(I usually put a dishtowel under the jars so they don't slide around. Forgot this time and it was tricky to get them in and out of the oven)

2. Bring 1/2 cup water and 6 cups of zucchini to a boil thel let simmer for 6 minutes.

3. Add the sugar, lemon juice, and pineapple (juice and all) and let boil for 6 minutes.

4. Mix in the Jello and boil 2 minutes.

5. Add Surejell and boil for 1 minute.

Bonus Step: I don't like texture at all. *shudder* So I use my immersion blender at this point to mulch up all the pineapple and zucchini bits. If you like 'fruit pieces' in your jam then it's great as is. I could never handle that so I blend it. The zucchini skin gives the impression of seeds, and is very pretty, but doesn't have any discernible presence in your mouth. Be sure to take appropriate safety measures when blending molten jam. Burns hurt.

Note: I added the jello and Sure-Jell, blended it and then boiled it. Sort of out of order but it seemed fine. Also I got some foam... this has never happened before so I skimmed it off.

6. Turn off heat and move pot to the counter where you'll be filling the jars (easier to clean than the stove). Take the jars out of the oven and carefully pour out the water.  Ladle jam into the hot jars. I leave some headroom - not sure the proper amount but I live 1/2 - 3/4 inch.

7. Wipe rims with a damp cloth, put lids and rings on to finger tight and then turn jars upside down for 5 minutes.

8. Flip them back over and keep an eye on them. Once the lids all 'pop' they're ready to store, it can take up to 24 hours. I usually refrigerate mine for a bit after a few hours so they gel up faster but I'm a little weird.

NOTE: this jam looks very runny, but after cools it sets up quite firm. I know how solid your jam is can be regional thing and/or a matter of personal preference. If you want it runnier I'd skip the Sure jell.

My dog loses his mind for a taste of jam and homemade bread.

Linked Up:
Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Skip to My Lou: Made by You Monday


Jeannie Marie said...

What a great idea for jam! I'm sending the link also to my daughter who loves to make jam and zucchini goes begging, it grows too fast to consume!

donna!ee said...

AWESOME....I've not heard of this before, thank you much for sharing! ;)

Anonymous said...

This is a whole new way to make jam for me. Zucchini would not affect the flavor but it would give it some bulk. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing with My Meatless Mondays and for you lovely comments.

Linda said...

I pinned this and can't wait to make it.

I'll link it back to you when I add it to my blog.


literacy_team said...

Should the zucchini be drained first?

Unknown said...

This looks great and I want to try for sure (I planted a few too many zucchini, oops) I was wondering what the shelf life would be for this since there isn't really a processing taking place (I am new to canning and preservation so excuse my ignorance) Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

I'm wondering if I could half this recipe? Less cook time?

Unknown said...

I'm wondering if I could half this recipe? Less cook time?

flowerpusher said...

I tried this recipe yesterday and it is yummy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went out to buy more jello. I put my jelly in my ninja to make is smooth works perfect. Thanks for the recipe

Marina Claremont said...

Hi. This looks amazing! Does this need to be stored in the refrigerator since it's not put through a hot water bath? Thanks!

Sheryl said...

Has anyone made this with splenda instead of sugar? My husband is a diabetic.

Unknown said...

You don't have to hot water bath this recipe. The lids will pop and seal. If they don't then refrigerate.

Unknown said...

You don't have to hot water bath this recipe. The lids will pop and seal. If they don't then refrigerate.

Shelley said...

Can I leave the pineapple out, or maybe substitute it with something else?

tdburf said...

Mine did not set up. I did it the way you originally stated, boiled with suregel for one minute? Was that enough time?

Ceda said...

Can you use liquid pectin instead of suregel?

Susan Boback, Card Connoisseur said...

I used Chillover Powder which is agar agar (MaryJanes Farm) for the pectin. This jam is wonderful! Ill be planting more zucchini next year! T.y.

Unknown said...

Trying it tonight, hope for the best.

Unknown said...

I'm making my second batch today! My husband and I made peach and blueberry jam this year but the one that is flying off the pantry shelves is the mock berry. My kids love it. What a wonderful way to use up zucchini! Thank you for sharing

DebyG said...

I used to make this all of the time and completely forgot about it! I used to use apricot jello, then add apricot bits...so good. Thanks for posting the memory!

sharon said...

What is shelf life and bacteria concern w/o water bath?

Sugar8 said...

Never change the cooking time. It has a purpose.

Vicki S said...

I made this today and while it's very good, it's also very sweet. Has anyone tried using less sugar or will that affect the set up of the jam?

John said...

What does the pineapple do for this recipe and can you taste it in the jelly?