I initially made these with glasses from the thrift store - which had a very slim selection and cost a buck a pair. Then it occurred to me that the dollar store sells reading glasses for the same price and I have a huge selection of lenses to chose from. While I'm not up-cycling, it did make sense practically speaking.
Here's the tutorial:

Close-up of Page OneClose Up of Page Two
Close Up of Page Three
Please let me know if any part of this tutorial is confusing. I'm happy to help... but I promise it's easy as pie :-)
what fun! these would also be cute as refrigerator magnets!
and your tutorial is fantastic, is this a digiscrap template?
Leave it to you to think up something so fun. I think kids would love something like this for their backpacks. Maybe using the tattoo art stuff.
Genius, girl.
Wow! these are so cool and what a great idea. Very creative!
You are so creative!!!! THese are just awesome!
What an awesome idea. I can see making these as shawl pins for my knitted shawls.
How creative is that!!!! They look so fun! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
I LOVE it!!!!!! You always do a phenomenal job on all your work
These are great! I love them Nicole!
did you get a new camera, or fix yours??? I had a thought that if you have photo booth on your mac, you could see if you could hold your work up to your computer and snap photos of them until you get a camera again??? Just a thought.
I love how your tutorial looks like a comic book page. Very cool!!!
Dang Nicole! You are one talented gal!
Freaking awesome. Love that they're wearable.
Holy MOses!! These are fab!!!!
Just discovered your blog and i LOVE it!!!
Love these - what a fun idea and so many ways it can be used! Thank you for a brilliant and inspired tutorial :)
I would have never thought to do this! Very clever! They turned out great.
LOVE these! Thanks for sharing.
I love your pins. They are so original. Not only could you use a stamp on paper and paint the image, but you could use comics etc. Love the idea of using the lens from glasses.
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