We woke up to this:
So I'm going to just pretend it didn't happen and focus on Jelly Beans - yes, jellybeans - because that is how we ended J fortnight.
The kiddos and I dipped our toes into our latest "cookbook" (seriously, only in the very loosest terms would I call this a cookbook; it's more a crafting with food book; which is okay too.) What's New Cupcake?
and pies:
and the boys had fun goofing about with frosting and candy:
But the real truth of the matter came into play when my eleven year old - a sugar hound of the first order - had to take a knife and clean all the "stuff" off his cupcake before it was edible. We just aren't the globs of candy a top ton-o-frosting type.
Here's the review I left at Amazon:
Cute But Inedible
My kids and I have both of the cupcake books and we've made several of the projects from them (corn, bake sale pies, penguins to name a few). While the creations are adorable and get rave reviews for looks - they are too sweet and too piled with frosting, candy and baked goods to be eaten. Take the pies for example, once you add two layers of frosting and jelly beans to a cupcake it's too sweet to eat.
I love to bake from scratch and (call me old-fashioned) I think the final product should be delicious and beautiful; not either or.
This book deserves a 4 for cuteness ( although it's not as fresh as "Hello, Cupcake") and a 2 for eatability.
And since I can't not mention the record breaking snow, here's a lookie-loo at our back yard this morning:
The review is fair enough! With the Jelly Bean Corn especially I'm sure the flavour would be really weird!!!!
I'm not really an icing girl, although my Mum is, so if we are sharing cake I normally cut mine off for her!!
Your boys did a great job on the cupcakes! I agree, they are too sweet, but they look really nice! Sorry about the snow you got - it is 84 here in FL and we went to the pool and got sunburned! So we are on the other extreme. Hopefully you will enjoy your summer soon!
Great job on the cupcakes - your boys rocked them! aaahhhhhhhhh - YUCK TO SNOW!!!!
1. Your boys are too cute.
2. That snow is crazy!
3. These cupcakes would be perfect for parties and what not but much too sweet for everyday. They look so awesome!
I think I will be extra grateful for our 90 degree weather that I've been grumbling about after seeing all the snow you have.....yeesh!
Very cute & clever idea. Your boys did a great job. :)
Seriously..will it ever stop snowing over there??
That is some snow...
I LOVE the pie cupcakes! Now to think of a way to make them look that cute and be edible...not sure it can be done!
The cupcakes look too cute. I think your review is honest and fair.
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