I finally finished my bar stools. One needed major repairs, one had to be redone and one needed cleaning... and it took me a year. Oh, the shame of it!
The Creature from the Black Lagoon started life as Forbidden Planet (Did you just break into the theme song from Rocky Horror? I know I did) but since I couldn't varnish it until I was done painting and it's been sat on for over a year... well... her bright orange dressed faded to an embarrassing shade of naked. It kind of reminds me of those pens and coffee mugs Dads used to have that disrobed, but there I go, digressing again. Evidence:
Sad! I loved that poster.
Now it looks like this:
And I replaced the trim so there's no embarrassing crack back there. (I'm absolutely unfit for polite society today).
Wanna see the happy little threesome?

And their pretty faces:

My kitchen island just told me it feels very lucky to be in such cool company.
I never stop being amazed at what you can accomplish with Mod Podge, paint and cool paper - these were calendar pages before they hopped on my old boring stools.
That's all I've got for you in terms of finishing today
Just an FYI, there aren't any rules to Finishing Week. You don't need to have mentioned it for it to "count" or anything legalistic like that. I just hope everyone who reads this blog has the pleasure of getting a few things done this week, uses up some of their stash, completes a project instead of starting a new one, clean that attack closet, etc.
Please leave me some comments letting me know what you've been working on. I really love hearing about what you're up to.
P.S. My huge apologies if I haven't responded to all your comments this week. My spine dropped acid is misfiring and my hands feel like Mickey Mouse gloves - very gigantic and fat - so hitting the keys is a nightmare. Most of my post looked like this:
Heriu Everyonlle. I finalllly finishernd my bareoijstools.
Seriously! Very irritating stuff, but it beats the earlier misfires like the sensation that I'd caught fire or feeling like I sat in a puddle of water. Spines are weird.
Very cool barstools! I have a few broken ones in need of a facelift too ... might have to steal your idea ;)
these are awesome!! LOVE
those. are. so. totally. awesome!
I wanna come sit in your kitchen. ~whines~ PPPLLLLEEAAASSSEEEEEE
Oh I totally loved it when she was nekked! I'm so glad you took a picture! It was so cool in such a bizarre and wrong way! I worry about myself sometimes... well, someone's got to ;)
I adore your stools and as someone who has no excuse for not getting back in replies but is still terrible... no I had not seen the trilogy before and I am so jealous of your kitchen island getting to sit twith them all day :D
These are a-maze-ing!!! I wanna make some now! You must check out my Peep Show project...it works well with your-uh-inuendos! And it's somethign I finally finished! I have been working on it in my head (and a little on my workspace) for a couple of weeks now...but finally got it done! I really love that you used old calendars...what a brilliant idea! I am so gonna do that! Thank you for inspiring me once again!
These are totally cool! I love what you did to these stools and I admit to a bit of poster stool envy. Thanks for this clever and wonderful project!
I never thought of using mod podge on barstools! Very cool idea:)
These are great!!!
So cool! I love what you can do with Mod Podge! The fringe really makes the stools.
Thanks for linking up to the “Cheap Thrills Thursday” party at Black Kats Design. I hope you had fun and will join in again next Thursday!
Those are SO SO COOL!!!
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!
Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here
If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!
These are awesome!
WOW! These are fantastic!!!! What a great job you did with them!!!
I will be doing a "lift" of this idea. They are wonderful. Proud of all your "finishing" lately. it must feel wonderful!
what a brilliant idea.
wow...love these..Im having fun looking around your blog...thanks for the inspiration
Those look amazing! Great job!
Hello cutie! I blogged about this earlier on in the week and just wanted to give you a heads up! Much love and *hugs* all around! Have a wonderful weekend doll!!!
I love those stools! And I hate to say it but I'm not a fan of those movies, I just love the look! But my husband loves that stuff! Thanks so much for the idea, now I need to look out for a calendar with the Creature! :)
Awesome! love your work! =) Keep up the good work =)
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Is this possible?
I would like to exchange links with your site madebynicole.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
I don't know if you'll see this comment as I know this is an old post...but I have been hopping around your blog picking up all sorts of fun ideas and I wanted to let you know that I saw these stools and just fell in love! I really want to make me some....and its so ironic I would find this today because earlier this week Anne Francis died...and I only know these shows because of RHPS as I am only 24....wow long comment...but in all thanks for the great ideas and keep up the beautiful work!!!
They look fab n very well made
wow very good idea makes Bar Stools with cartoon design, children will love this. This appreciation can be an inspiration for me;)
Nice post, thanks for sharing with us.
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