Here's the card I made, I was really intimidated about coloring a shiny surface but I think it turned out okay. Shannon is awesome about posting her images in color so you can see a suggestion of how to color yours.

Today we start our budget officially with envelopes and everything. We've been doing smart things for over a week but the big bad budget goes into play this morning. Wish me luck. So far I've cut over $350 dollars from our monthly expenses and "found" close to $300 more. It's four kinds of crazy to be able to find so much money in a week. We just hadn't been paying close enough attention.
For anyone else embarking on budgeting and economizing here is a list of low hanging fruit we started with:
*Check cell phone plan. DH was able to drop from 900 min. to 450 per month which saved us $30/month
* Scan bills for overcharges and call to correct them (We found over $200 in mistakes)
* Make sure you've submitted reimbursable work expenses.
* Cut non-essentials. Our list was embarrassingly long but none of it came all at once. HBO one month, six months later, Netflix, Game Fish, craft kit clubs - seriously, it all adds up.
* Make sure your tires are full and aligned properly, oil is clean, fluids are topped off, brake pads are thick enough etc. With cars, prevention is key. We didn't notice a misalignment and now we have to replace our tires a mere eighteen months after purchase because of funky wear. That could have been avoided.
Great card. Thanks for sharing the saving tips. I seriously need to go on a budget!!
Love the card.
We used to tease our friends about their envelope budgeting system, but it really works. Good luck with yours.
Welcome to Wednesday Stamper, glad you could play along. That is one cool ride you have there!
Thanks for the tips! I need to have my card aligned!
Your card is HOT!!!! WAY HOT!
Hi Niki, just dropped by to see ya and now I can wish you and your family a fun, fun budget filled time- yay!!! Happy happies. Joyce
Wow this is absolutely cool.
This rock. Amazing work.
Great card!
I love that card and am so impressed you tackled a can and recycled it into greatness.
Thanks for the tips. I need to examine the cell phone charges.
Here's my big money saving tip. I toss all my change into my bag. When it weighs it down, I put it into rice jars. When the jars are full, I turn it into cash that get to use for something fun. (Copics last time). I also just started doing that with single dollar bills. I'm putting 'em in a box for future "mad" money or to buy a special something that is not in the budget.
Thank you for the lovely comments! I'm glad I could share. You did an awesome job on the car! I was scared to color it too. Looks great!
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