The current challenge at caardvarks is to use pink, black and white and I thought it would be a perfect color scheme for Man's Ruin. Pink and red is also the challenge this week at Copic Creations, lucky me! As you can tell, I did a terrible job of mass producing my cards; I just need to make them individuals ;-)
The set:

The cards:

And I decorated the inside a bit to make writing easier, and cuter :-)

All the big jewels and the cool game card are from Gauche Alchemy and the paper is by Pink Paislee.
Thanks for stopping by :-)
Woah, these cards are HOT! heee! Love how you color them, very sexy! Where did you get these stamps?
love them Nicole :)
Fantastic! Your work is stunning! :o) My BFF is going to flip her lid when I email her these beauties. (I mean SERIOUSly flip.) You may have a new stalker. heehee. :-) Can't wait to see more of your work!
Those are way cool. Love the pink and black color scheme.
saucy!! these are fab!
Beautiful cards! Hope you're doing well today, Nicole.
-Adriana (EndsWell)
These are amazing, just love your style! Jo x
What a great set of cards! I love the coloring, cutting, and paper choices. Wow.
The recipients are gonna be very happy!
Very cool...great with the color combo too!
What a great set of cards!!! Very sexy :)
FANTASTIC!! Your cards are always topnotch and your color choices are great! =)
I love these- so clever and cooL
These are awesome. I love the fun image and the colors.
oh wow, they look awesome.... I feel you about the mass productions, I can't do more than 1 of the same. I immediately get bored.
-- dalis
I love these cards, Nicole. That stamp is awesome. I am very afraid to check out the website because I know I will not behave!
These are sooooo HOT!!!! You're rockin the Bombshell!
You went to town on this challenge! Love your profile description: formerly blond...3 boybarians... :)
Look at your snazzy cards! AWesome! And that is just a great image!
rockin cards! great job on the coloring
these cards are flippin HOT girl!!!absolutely love them!
These are just the most fantastic cards!!!!
Great Cards! The stitching is a great touch!
Gorge cards Darlin!!!!
those cards are a hoot!!! trying to decided which is really mans ruin, the drink, or the broad?
nice work, nicole. and i know what you mean about getting bored doing the same thing...nice change up you did, though.
oh nicole!!!!!!!!!
these are ♥AH♥MAYYYYY♥ZING!!! (with an emphasis on the "ZING"!)
(& "mass produce" about as well as *I* do...which is to say, "not so much"! ah well...vive le FABULOUS difference!!!)
those rock!!! love them all!
Absolutely fabulous!!!!
darn- i was going to write these crads are HOT, but i see that is what everyone thinks! seriously i would flip my lid if i got a card like these in the mail :) (oops someone had to say that, too!) oh well, all i can say is you are such a talent Nicole!
Wow--awesome details!
Those are AWESOME!
Awesome cards! Such great colors and your detail is amazing!
I MUST have that stamp!!! As always...your cards are amazing.
Love them!! You did such a good job on these!! :)
What a fabulous set ... love these.
Great Bombshell set! Perfect color scheme. I haven't used my stamps like this yet. You've inspired me. xxD
What fun cards!! Thanks for participating in the Caardvarks challenge!
What a fun selection of cards - your colouring is beautiful and I love the dimension.
love those cards! That martini girl is AWESOME!!
wowsers!!!! those girls are AWESOME!!!!!!!
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