Friday, August 21, 2009

Four new Caardvarks Cards

I am running late on getting my cards made for a swap I'm in. I want to do Bombshells but eleven super-rad chicks is a whole lot of coloring. To make it easier on myself, I'm making three sets of four cards. That way I won't get bored.

The current challenge at caardvarks is to use pink, black and white and I thought it would be a perfect color scheme for Man's Ruin. Pink and red is also the challenge this week at Copic Creations, lucky me! As you can tell, I did a terrible job of mass producing my cards; I just need to make them individuals ;-)

The set:

The cards:

And I decorated the inside a bit to make writing easier, and cuter :-)

All the big jewels and the cool game card are from Gauche Alchemy and the paper is by Pink Paislee.

Thanks for stopping by :-)


Chrissy Le said...

Woah, these cards are HOT! heee! Love how you color them, very sexy! Where did you get these stamps?

Shawnna Samples said...

love them Nicole :)

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Fantastic! Your work is stunning! :o) My BFF is going to flip her lid when I email her these beauties. (I mean SERIOUSly flip.) You may have a new stalker. heehee. :-) Can't wait to see more of your work!

CathyR said...

Those are way cool. Love the pink and black color scheme.

Juls said...

saucy!! these are fab!

Adriana Puckett said...

Beautiful cards! Hope you're doing well today, Nicole.

-Adriana (EndsWell)

Dotty Jo said...

These are amazing, just love your style! Jo x

Kathi said...

What a great set of cards! I love the coloring, cutting, and paper choices. Wow.

The recipients are gonna be very happy!

Janine Rachau said...

Very cool...great with the color combo too!

Nathalie said...

What a great set of cards!!! Very sexy :)

Barbara Ferguson said...

FANTASTIC!! Your cards are always topnotch and your color choices are great! =)

Angie said...

I love these- so clever and cooL

Lori Gentile said...

These are awesome. I love the fun image and the colors.

Anonymous said...

oh wow, they look awesome.... I feel you about the mass productions, I can't do more than 1 of the same. I immediately get bored.

-- dalis

LisaNRoxy said...

I love these cards, Nicole. That stamp is awesome. I am very afraid to check out the website because I know I will not behave!

Tiff said...

These are sooooo HOT!!!! You're rockin the Bombshell!

June Houck said...

You went to town on this challenge! Love your profile description: formerly blond...3 boybarians... :)

WriterGirl said...

Look at your snazzy cards! AWesome! And that is just a great image!

teresamatz said...

rockin cards! great job on the coloring

Michelle said...

these cards are flippin HOT girl!!!absolutely love them!

Anonymous said...

These are just the most fantastic cards!!!!

Kas said...

Great Cards! The stitching is a great touch!

GlitteryKatie said...

Gorge cards Darlin!!!!

jamie said...

those cards are a hoot!!! trying to decided which is really mans ruin, the drink, or the broad?

nice work, nicole. and i know what you mean about getting bored doing the same thing...nice change up you did, though.

lauren bergold said...

oh nicole!!!!!!!!!
these are ♥AH♥MAYYYYY♥ZING!!! (with an emphasis on the "ZING"!)
(& "mass produce" about as well as *I* do...which is to say, "not so much"! ah well...vive le FABULOUS difference!!!)

Julie said...

those rock!!! love them all!

Ann said...

Absolutely fabulous!!!!

lisaplus6 said...

darn- i was going to write these crads are HOT, but i see that is what everyone thinks! seriously i would flip my lid if i got a card like these in the mail :) (oops someone had to say that, too!) oh well, all i can say is you are such a talent Nicole!

Trish said...

Wow--awesome details!

Jill Felker said...

Those are AWESOME!

Patricia said...

Awesome cards! Such great colors and your detail is amazing!

"The Bag Lady" said...

I MUST have that stamp!!! As always...your cards are amazing.

Bibi said...

Love them!! You did such a good job on these!! :)

SmilynStef said...

What a fabulous set ... love these.

DonnaMundinger said...

Great Bombshell set! Perfect color scheme. I haven't used my stamps like this yet. You've inspired me. xxD

Michelle Giraud said...

What fun cards!! Thanks for participating in the Caardvarks challenge!

Suzanne said...

What a fun selection of cards - your colouring is beautiful and I love the dimension.

Diana D said...

love those cards! That martini girl is AWESOME!!

Gina de Jong said...

wowsers!!!! those girls are AWESOME!!!!!!!