Sunday, August 9, 2009


Do you ever do something you thought you couldn't do and even though it's just a little thing, you're insanely proud?

Well, that's me this morning. I made this:

Snagging someone else's always felt wrong but I had no idea how to make my own. So I spent sometime banging away at it and I'm reasonably happy with the (simple) results. You've got to start somewhere, right?

The digi elements were free from Shabby Princess.

If any of you would like it for when you get pubbed please email me - I'm very happy to share.

P.S. One more day to enter the drawing for my RAK.
P.S.S This is my 300th post!


Steve & Joyce Rodli said...

Did you know back then with your first post that you would have oodles to say and make it to your 300th post? The answer: A leopard. Because he has lots of spots. Joy joys. Joyce

Heather said...

I think you did a great job!

Anonymous said...

WOOO-HOOOOO!!!! You're makin it big time!

Sorry to hear about Brayden's attempt to overthrow the king....

LisaNRoxy said...

You go girl - that is very cool!! Congrats on 300! Here's to 300 more!

Anonymous said...

Yey for 300! And, let me caution you that downloading digi kits can be addictive (addicting?). Thankfully there are lots of cute FREE ones out there! Your first attempt is VERY cute.

Diana D said...

That's cool- haven't played with digi stuff- seems difficult

Amy Wing said...

I like it - want to see simple, look at mine! (It's the one I created to take down YOUR project!)