This past weekend I was shopping for some winter clothes and I bought four things in size.....MEDIUM! Can you believe it? I was so excited. I weighed this morning and am down another two pounds from the past nine days. That makes my loss a total of thirty-four pounds and I have twenty-two and a half pounds to go. I need to get moving if I want to have it all lost by February. The sad thing is that I have to eat less and less to lose weight steadily as I get smaller. That's how Weight Watchers lost me the one time I tried it. I met my ten pound goal and they took away some points - how rude! *grin* but if eating even less is what is required so be it. It's been awhile since I've been well enough to work out which should give me a boost once I'm back at it.
Spending the yesterday without power was a very eye-opening experience. I had a lot more time available as the minutes sucked up by Twitter, blogs, news, email etc. were returned to me all at once. I got everything I needed to do finished and then I laid down on the couch and caught up on my backlog of Domino magazine. I love Domino but seldom sit down and read it cover to cover - it was like a mini-vacation.
The kids took longer at their schoolwork, not doing it slower but doing more. They weren't anxious to be done so they could use their computers or wii-fit. Instead they used the quiet to complete more of their tests.
Our house was a very pleasant temperature and the light was just perfect. Overall, the day was a huge success.
It struck me as notable how relaxed we were. In contrast, today has been a flurry of email, blog reading and online shopping - all good things but yesterday felt so much more real and so very peaceful.
When the power came on I lasted about four and a half minutes before I had to check my email. To my astonishment there was an Etsy order! And then another. Ping. Ping. Ping. Four more! Something was definitely up! I also had some conversations so I logged in and found out that I had been the recipient of a "sneak attack". The concept is that a group of strangers decide on a shop that is deserving and they all order from that shop at once. I later learned that they had hoped to clear out all my stock. Eleven orders later I couldn't contain my smile. What a wonderful surprise. I think the best part was being privy to the thread after the fact and hearing all the lovely things said about my cards. It was really wonderful and such a boost. Complete strangers choosing to do something like that really restores your faith in humanity.
So last night was a flurry or packaging, finding my moo cards and making little gifts to include with each purchase. I hope they love the cards.
This all sounds so wonderful - getting healthier, having a peaceful and slow-paced day (I need to try that!), and so many orders! What a wonderful surprise!
Re: the weight loss...I just lost 8 pounds and 4% body fat in 4 weeks without paying attention to portions or counting calories. I never felt hungry, although I had a few cravings. I did it by following a low glycemic index diet. I was pleased but also flabbergasted, as I have ALWAYS had trouble losing weight, and never did it as fast as the programs claimed. Anyway, just wanted to let you know there is an alternative to eating less and less! And don't forget you should never go below about 1,500 calories!
Congratulations, Karen. That is a boatload of weight to lose so quickly. Glad you found something that works for you.
I'm not actually eating less food, just less high calorie foods (like chips and salsa) and more brown rice and vegetables... if that makes sense.
That slow-paced day really stuck. Last night we stayed home and played board games instead of going out and this morning the kids are reading or playing chess. It's absolutely wonderful.
HI. I just googled etsy sneak attack and found your blog. I participated in the sneak attack and just got your card the other day. It is sitting on my mantle piece.
Happy etsy to you! Your cards are wonderful.
Hello Nicole!
It's Tennekka and I'm the one who sponsored your "attack." I'm so happy it was such a good experience for you because it was equally great for me. And I LOVE the card! If you ever make more robot cards, please feel free to convo me. My sister lives far away and I plan to send it to her because I know she'll love it!
And congrats on the weight loss ... I wish I had the will power to start dieting!
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