Monday, July 28, 2008

Sketch Challenge, Improved Health, New shell

Hey Everyone:

Hope you had a fab weekend. We mostly hung out and Chris and I went to a movie. My health is definitely improving although much slower than I'd like. I even managed a thirteen minute work out this morning - mostly balance and stretching. I tried to do basic step but the cramps took me out. Still, thirteen minutes is great.

Last night I worked on a shell for my Etsy shop. Here it is, with all the pics you can click on them to make them larger:

Once it's full of pictures, it should look a lot like this one:

Our yard is complete as far as landscaping goes. We have to add the deck still but that will require some saving up so it'll mostly be a spring project. Here's some pics:

2sketches4you has another challenge posted. Here's the sketch:


Sonda T said...

just adding little bits can help tremendously. You're doing great! I'm going to try to do a little workout today too. Hopefully it will be alright. I love that little layout you did and where is your etsy shoppe?

Nicole Maki said...

Thanks, Sonda.

After lying down for fifteen days it was a lot of effort to even get through thirteen minutes. I think I'll stick with balance and yoga since aerobics was really painful.

There is a badge at the top left of this blog that'll take you to my Etsy shop. Let me know what you think.

Hope you're feeling better too :-)