One of my personal strengths is great mental health. When things are good I'm happy, when they aren't I can be appropriately unhappy for a reasonable amount of time. I consider myself lucky beyond measure for this. I'm also very much in support of the concept that it is okay to wallow, for a set amount of time and then dust yourself off a get back to living. It helps you not bottle up the ouchies and then explode in a glum grenade and need serious help pulling it all back together.
So, I'm wallowing. My doctors appointment last night was a real downer and now I'm looking down the barrel of stuff I really don't feel like dealing with. So today I'll mope. In fact, I've reserved through Sunday if need be. Then I'll dust myself off, remember it's nothing personal - life is hard, deal with it - and get back to my perky self.
Until then, have a great weekend.
Thinking of you! I hope you have some completely unredeeming reading and eating material to keep you company while you wallow. *hug*
Don't forget that doctors have tried to foist their bleak prognostications upon you before, and you have thoroughly thumbed your nose at them. Don't go thinking they are dictating your fate ... they're just roadsigns, but you still get to drive.
Besides, I need more cupcakes.
Just hang in there. I love a good wallow myself. I am thinking good thoughts for you, praying for God's grace and sending you lots of hugs.
Blessings, my friend.
I truly hope you get better soon, Nicole. I'm thinking good thoughts for you. Have some sad, and then come back.
You just can't get a break, girl. Wish I could join you in your wallow. Praying for you. 'Og. (James's word for hug)
Sending you hugs and positive thoughts!
I hope you get better soon Nicole :( I wish I could just give you a big hug and make everything okay...
I am sorry that you has a sad. But I do love the kitty poster. AWESOME!!! LOVE IT. I wish I could take your sad. :(
I'm sorry that you are having a hard time right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you, big gentle hugs too.
Honey, you know how much people love you. The qualities you've recognized are some of the most admirable things about you...that and your unending knowledge of boy funstuffs.
Plus, next week you'll read that post and smile at the idea of reserving Sunday to wallow if need be. Because that is priceless. I love that Monday is off limits for wallowing.
Nicole, praying for a better day for you today! Your positive energy is astonding with all that has been dealt your way. Lately when I think of my downturns, I think of yours and and how you just get "back up and dust yourself off" as you say, and tackle a new day with new energy! {{{HUGS}}}
you go ahead and has you a sad, you're entitled!!! Hope you feel better soon!! BIG VIRTUAL HUGS!!!
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