Preparations for Canada have been brisk. We are trying to get Chocolate into PetsHotel as it has doggie daycare and hopefully he won't be too lonely. I called the vet to make sure we had all the required paperwork and she assured me he was up to date on all his immunizations. I asked her to double check and as fate would have it, they all expired on August 19th - That's TODAY! So we need to rush him to the vet so the shots will "take" before we drop him off on Saturday. This also means that a year ago today some person threw four little puppies over the shelter fence. Our Chocolate was ripped from his mother's breast one year ago. Poor guy. On the other hand, now he has us and a pretty great life.
PetsHotel with Doggie Daycare is fifty bucks a day... I nearly keeled over with sticker-shock. Of course we can go budget and have him locked in a little cell for a week but we couldn't do that to our precious dog. We decided to split the difference and give him daycare every other day. It sounds cheap of us but if you saw how much our dog sleeps you might make the same choice. Feel free to call me a monster in the comments if need be.
I killed another kit. This one is from American Crafts Amplified Line. As you may recall, it's the "purple kit" that I didn't connect with. I sort of loathed it to be honest. There are a few things that I haven't posted but you've already seen most of it. I like putting it all together though once I'm done.
Starting with two cardstock, three patterned papers and a handful of embellishments I made this (adding extra cardstock as needed):



I'm used to Live Journal so I'm not sure how this works on Blogger. If I reply to your comment in the comments section of a post do you ever see it? Do you get an email or something telling you I replied or am I just talking to myself?
I best get back to work. So much to do before I meet Jason for our write-in. It's been two weeks and I really missed not writing last week. Rebel and I need to spend some time together.
think your talking to your self....lol
the buns look delicious...hummm good
Your comments show up in the same place ours do.
I like all the pages and the cards that you made with the AC Kit. I just couldn't wrap my head around using it so I sent it off to Amy since she loves purple.
A lot of dogs who go to doggie day care go two or three times a week. All that playing wears them out! He'll snooze the other days.
We even take our cat to the Pet Hotel when we are gone. She gets into mischief if we leave her home alone.
I don't get emails on your comments. I have to come back here to read them.
I am so grateful our vet does boarding. It's only the price of a normal board, but the technicians take the dogs out and play with them whenever they have a spare moment. Nicky is a definite favorite there and always comes back much loved upon and having gained about five pounds from begged treats. (From a vet who's constantly warning us not to let him gain weight!)
We do the boarding at the vet if it's an overnighter, but there is a kennel out by Cooper Mountain we use when we're gone for any length...it's spendy, and you can pay extra for yard time, so of course I do...why are we such suckers for our pooches?
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