We're going to Canada. Push came to shove and our best option was to make a trip to the motherland and visit those dear to us. Great White North here we come! We leave on Friday night (the 22nd) and will be back the following weekend. We haven't been to Thunder Bay since I was a pregnant twenty-four year old. Brayden and Avery haven't been at all in less you count Avery's trip in utero. Traveling out of the country brings all our immigration issue into focus which is stressful but can be good as we need to take care of the last of our paperwork. Another plus is that Chris is finally getting his Utah drivers license (two and a half years after moving here) and I'll get my Utah ID. It's tricky enough crossing the border without contradicting identification.
The only thing I'm stressed about is being without our sweet Chocolate pup for a week. I wonder if he'll like the doggy hotel with it's new smells and friends to play with or if he'll pine for us. He's not much of a piner so I think he'll be fine. One option is to get him a deluxe room with dog movies and a speaker phone so we can call him. It also has a video camera so we can go online and see him. Personally I think that's nutty and I bet hearing our voice over a speaker would confuse the crap out of him. I do like the idea of him being isolated from the other dogs. Our vet said even the best kennels are rampant with kennel cough or worse and we have a very good chance of getting him back sick. What to do? I think we'll go with a non-wired room and hope for the best.

I got to design one of the samples for the scrap-room newsletter this month. it was a real pleasure to work with Susan's sketch. Here's the LO I did:

Thanks, Susan for the wonderful opportunity.
And finally, I am thrilled to see my work in the gallery at Bombshell Stamps. Shannon the owner is the sweetest lady ever and I just love working with her awesome stamps. Having my work in their gallery is a real honor.
love your layout....
Have a great trip and safe travels.
Thanks, Claudette.
Since this trip was unplanned I'm going to be a busy girls getting everything ready. I can't wait to see all our family again.
Congrats on having your cards in the stamp gallery. I love the layout too.
I thought my husband was bad for not getting an Illinois drivers license and it's only been a year!
Have a great vacation.
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