The boys are really loving their pool even though it's extremely chilly. I hope that water warms up a big before it snows.
Chris is taking a four day weekend which means I'll be offline a lot. I tend to not use the computer much when he's home. To prepare for the weekend I've baked bread (three loaves) and cinnamon buns (two pans) and am on my second batch of soap. Why do we always run out of everything at once? I hate making soap on days when I bake because the smells don't co-mingle very well at all. Ruining the luscious smell of cinnamon buns is criminal.
This weekend we are going to see several more houses in the Parade of Homes. It's been really hard this year as stairs really wreak havoc on my stomach issues. I get tired really quickly. We're also going to Kennecott mine - the largest extractor of copper in history. It's an open pit mine and the machines in it are larger than houses. Should be cool. And we finally replaced our bike rack so we are going to do a lot of cycling if I can manage it. Other than that we'll be spending the time off spackling and repainting the gouges in the wall (oh the joy of boys!), tidying up the basement and garage and finishing the office. Looks like moulding isn't our strong suit so we're taking down the few pieces we attached and are painting the top of the wall near the ceiling.
Anyone (besides me) excited about seeing Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants? I really loved the books and liked the movie. I can't wait to see the sequel. It covers books two and three which should be interesting.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Wow Nicole you make soap too. That is something I've wanted to do, but have never tried.
I can't wait to see the movie either. We have company this weekend so I'm not sure when we will get to see it.
Hey Cathy:
I just make melt and pour glycerin soap and I add my own essential oils. My skin is so sensitive that this has been easier than trying new brands all the time and getting a rash.
I think we're going to SotTP tonight and if not tonight, tomorrow. I'll let you know if it's good :-)
Have you started your sassy swap pages yet?
At the farmers market I found a woman who makes cinnamon soap! It's fantastic. Jeff's mom loves the basil mint she does, but I'm all about the cinnamon! That might help with the co-mingling scents.
Great Idea. I should take a crack at some of those scents.
This batch was lavender, Chamomile and Sweet Marjoram - it just didn't blend in well at all :-)
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