Right now they have a call out for December card designers so if you would like to participate you should head over there and take a look-see.
My very favorite hoodie in the whole world is full of holes, has a broken zipper and is two sizes larger than I need. Replacing it was an unhappy thought as I was sure I'd never find a cooler one than my old one. I went to Buckle on the weekend and found this incredible Lucky Brand hoodie (in Medium!). I just love the wings, peace sign and the writing/embroidery down the arms. This is my first try at using the timer on my camera so excuse the blurry pic.

Anyone getting ready to do NaNoWriMo? The boys started crafting their outlines yesterday but sadly their mama is still on the fence and leaning towards not doing it. I've found NaNo to be incredibly hard when the kids are doing it too. A lot of my time is spent coaching them through their novels. I need to set word count goals for them sometime soon. Any suggestions? Brayden in nine and is just getting good at reading. Avery is almost eleven and is still struggling with language and Trenton is twelve and reads voraciously and loves to write.
Bayley is doing a page count goal...he's started this 'series' called What are you doing with that ____. Too funny. He wants to write ten 4 page stories.
We're about to see if he inherited my procrastination ability...
Look at you! You look so cool in that sweatshirt! Love it!
I love that card too!
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