We're heading into the gift giving season and I am trying to whip up some cute little packages to hold coupons, gift cards, chocolates and such. This one is so easy and fun that I really hope you try it out. I used one piece of double sided paper but you can be as fancy and extravagant as you'd like.

You can read the tutorial
here.Some tips:
* The bag is as tall as the number of inches that is not the eleven inch side. So in the example, the patterned paper is 5.5 x11 and therefore 5.5 inches tall. If you want a taller bag then you need to increase that number.
* When you put your sticky tape along the end make sure you wrap it in such a way that the sticky side will be available to seal the bag closed. I goofed on that and have a nice line of covered tape inside my bag.
* When attaching the handles use glue dots. You need something pretty heavy duty. I used three glue dots per side (twelve total).
* If you use double sided paper this can be a one sheet project. In this case, the beige I used for the scallops and handles was the back of the green and orange paper. Very handy and keeps the cost down.
* I didn't have a have a round tab punch so I used my Cricut to cut a background mat that I thought would look like handle when folded. If it didn't work, I was going to use a tag and put the beveled side facing the outside and the plain bottom end inside the bag.
* I don't have a scor-pal. (Santa, I've been good and I'd love one!) I just use a scoring blade in my paper trimmer. Since I bought a new paper trimmer I keep my old one around just for scoring. Works like a dream.
These are really easy. It didn't take much time at all and I've seen girls make dozens of them. Wouldn't they be adorable gift card or chocolate truffle holders?
Paper: Crate
Stitching: Zig Marger
Just Johanna's Odd Bird PlanetColored with: Zig marker and watercolor pen
Marvy Scallop Punch
Cricut Storybook Cartridge : Happily Ever After (Accent Blackout)