Here's a new project I posted at Bombshell Stamps click HERE to see the details.


Wondering about the title of this post?
Brayden is just like his Dad. You really can't tell him anything, he has to experience it himself. It's also hard to teach him things. He needs to come at it his own way, fail, and then ask for help. Having been with Chris nearly fifteen years, I know this personality well so we manage, but boy oh boy - some day!!!!
When we were walking along the beach front in San Francisco Brayden wanted to play in the sand. Only obvious tourists were playing and then only a few. I took that, plus other context clues, to mean that the sand is dirty and gross along the urban coast. Brayden was convinced that I was just being mean and no-fun. This amuses me as I am very strict but I'm also the most fun mom I know. Perhaps he just lacks someone to compare me too. Anyhow, after a good deal of observation I decided since the beach seemed needle-free ( after Portland that's my first concern) and there was little/no broken glass, I'd let him play and if we end up at a clinic getting a tetanus shot then so be it.
He dug into the sand, thrilled to have "won" this argument. He mugged for the camera, dug like a dog, I took the above picture. Idyllic. Mothers. What do they know?
About a moment after this shot he hit a nice big softball sized glob of maggots. Excellent.
Horrified, we walked to the bathroom nearby (I planned for this) scrubbed him soundly with soap and hot water, dipped his hands in Purell after checking for cuts and went on our way. Since June, he hasn't given me a hard time when I say something is a bad idea. The change in this area is a full 180.
Whenever he sees these very cute beach pictures he asks me if I'm going to make maggot embellishments to match.
A lot of nice things have been happening to me lately so I thought I'd round them up in one post:
The Tacoma Art Museum asked to include this pic in the online part of their Day of the Dead exhibit:

A few of my projects were featured on She Walks Softly - such gorgeous eye candy on that blog. Wow.
The ever so talented Gabby awarded me with this:

Thanks, Gabby!