Here she is:

My dear friend Angela tagged me a few days back and it completely slipped my mind. Sorry! *blush*
Here are seven fun random facts about moi~
1. My favorite movies are The Outsiders, Red Dawn, Rocky (all of them), The Replacements and The Matrix Trilogy.
2. I don't brush my teeth until after breakfast as I hate the toothpaste and food combination.
3. I really miss coffee, Diet Coke and any other beautiful members of the caffeine family.
4. I haven't grown since fifth grade (maybe it was the coffee).
5. Chris and I got engaged six days after we met - crazy kids... that could have gone badly.
6. I really love Gossip Girl and "because I'm Chuck Bass" is the best excuse/reason for anything, ever.
7. I'm a concrete - sequential, left-brained, INTJ ... but you wouldn't know it by the cards, writing, right-brained stuff I do for fun.
Wow - you really do rock those bombshell stamps :-) If they ever do a DT call, you should DEFINITELY give it a shot!
Six days - wow! Now THAT is something!
I still believe you are more right brain than left brain, no matter what you think:)
Gossip Girl..."OMG!", said in best valley girl voice. I am addicted to that show. Probably wouldn't have started watching it, if it wasn't for dd's. Now I am hooked.
love the card! you gave up ALL caffeine?!? good for you!
love with you did with the bombshell stamps, very creative and coloring of her skin tones beautifully done
Another awesome card, but then again I have never seen a card you have done that isn't awesome.
I do the same thing with the breakfast/toothpaste dilema.
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