It's snowing like a son-of-a-gun. We're expecting.... drum roll please... twenty inches between today and tomorrow. Holy snow piles, Batman. Those plows we're being taxed extra for have not yet made an appearance so our neighborhood is blissfully silent. I love being snowed in.
We got our tree up this week and it's so pretty. Instead of using our matchy-matchy ornaments we put up all our old favorites.

Holy Batman that IS a lot of snow!!! I'm freaking out because we might get six inches! :P
Love the tree and especially the eyeball ornament. That rocks!
Wow, that is alot of snow...wish I was there just for a day or so... hehehehe
Tree is very pretty and kids are so cute!!
what a pretty tree!
Okay, the eyeball cracked me up.
Get yourself a blanket, some hot cocoa or tea and curl up on the couch with a good book. That's what I would do in 20 inches of snow.
20 in. of SNOW!!! thats not for me, I'm a hot weather girl.
I love your tree....but that eyeball ornament, I'm not sure
I love your tree, even the eyeball ornament. We put all of our old ornaments on our tree this year too.
I think we are going to get some snow tonight, but not 20". Enjoy.
Awesome tree! Ours is up, but not the ornaments yet.
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