She said, " You look awful with long hair. The red is nice but you just can't pull off the length. I want to make sure you take care of it before Thursday. People take pictures on Christmas you know. Nobody wants to see you looking like that."
I pointed out to her that I'm nearly 36 and am not near hot enough to pull off a pixie cut at my age.
She laughed and said, " I'm nearly 90 and I can pull off a pixie cut. Now go and fix that hair!"
Grandmas... gotta love them.
Cath, the editor of Paper Crafts Magazine, keeps the most awesome blog. Last week she held a Get Woodsy challenge and one of my cards was chosen as a runner-up. *Squeal* You can see the post here.
Congrats on the "runner up" you have great work!
O Grandma's I tell ya you gotta love them. They just kinda tell you....well I was gonna say how it is but most time it is how they see it! LOL I think your hair look fab but it is all in what you are wanting.
Aren't Grandma's fun? The things they come up with.
Congratulations on being chosen runner up. It's a great card.
I like the hair, don't listen to her.
And congrats on your moxie fab prize!
lol! I like your hair as it is! :)
there's nothing like a gramma...mine reminded me that baby weight is supposed to be gone by the baby's firt birthday...I think it was s'posed to be a hint...
Congrats on your prize! Love your cards. :)
I love your hair, I used to keep mine super short and then discovered that it was curly when it was long. Love your cards too. Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
I'm not a big believer in long hair ( I made a living cutting hair...lol), however I think you look great. Your still at the age that it looks attractive, you'll know in your heart when its time to cut it, and that doesn't necessary mean pixie cut either...lol.
CONGRATS girlfriend!!
First a big CONGRATS Nicole!
I like your hair the way it is, but as others have stated it is all in what you are looking for. Gotta love grandma's though. :)
Oh, she is so not right. Glenn and I have always loved your short styles too (the funkier the better!), but have both remarked on how pretty your hair has looked in recent photos. You can't look bad, in our extremely biased opinions, but you are also one of the few people we know that can truly pull off both long and short lengths.
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